Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Sample Usage & HistoryBasic Features
Character index (Letters Combining marks Numbers Punctuation Separator & other)
Phonology (Vowel soundsConsonant sounds)
Structure (Vowel harmonyGlyphs vs. phonemesSpelling vs. pronunciation)
Vowels (Basic vowels Suffixes Final vowel separation)
Consonants (Basic Mongolian consonants QA and GA Repertoire extension extension 
Consonants for other languages Consonant clusters & gemination)
Combining marks Numbers Text direction (In horizontal contexts)
Glyph shaping & positioning (Cursive shaping Context-based shaping
Context-based positioning Font styles Baselines & inline alignment)
Punctuation & inline features (Grapheme boundaries – Word boundaries
– Phrase & section boundaries – Parentheses & brackets – Quotations
– Emphasis – Abbreviation, ellipsis & repetition – Inline notes & annotations
– Other inline ranges – Other punctuation)
Line & paragraph layout (Line breaking & hyphenation – Text alignment & justification
– Letter spacing – Counters, lists, etc. – Styling initials
Page & book layout (General page layout & progression – Forms & user interaction
– Page numbering, running headers, etc.)
Languages using the Mongolian scriptOnline resourcesReferences
