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Very few fonts exist which support typically Sindhi script phenomena. The most advanced at the time of this writing (March-April of 2021) appears to be’s Lateef. Lateef currently (March-April of 2021) lacks the distinct punctuation code points ⹁ (U+2E41 REVERSED COMMA) and ⁏ (U+204F REVERSED SEMICOLON), except as glyph variants which can be selected in various ways for the Arabic code points Arabic comma (U+060C) and Arabic semicolon (U+061B). Because the selection of these glyph variants is not without its challenges, Pim Rietbroek has generated a version of Lateef in which the punctuation characters ⹁ (U+2E41 REVERSED COMMA) and ⁏ (U+204F REVERSED SEMICOLON) have been added. This was made legally possible because SIL’s Lateef font was issued under the Open Font License. The adapted font is called KalyanSindhiJOSS. The “JOSS” part in the font name refers to the Brill Journal of Sindhi Studies in which the Sindhi script was first expected to make an appearance.

The font file KalyanSindhiJOSS.ttf can be downloaded by following View filenamechoosing the following link: KalyanSindhiJOSS.ttfheight250.

Font sizes

  • Brill 11 pt: ~ KalyanSindhiJOSS 14 pt

  • Brill 10 pt: ~ KalyanSindhiJOSS 14 pt

  • Brill 9 pt: ~ KalyanSindhiJOSS 12 pt
