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Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • article/@article-type must be "abstract", "addendum", "announcement", "article-commentary", "book-review", "books-received", "brief-report", "calendar", "case-report", "collection", "correction", "discussion", "dissertation", "editorial", "in-brief", "introduction", "letter", "meeting-report", "news", "obituary", "oration", "partial-retraction", "product-review", "rapid-communication", "reply", "reprint", "research-article", "retraction", "review-article" or "translation"
  • articles with article-type "correction", "editorial", "introduction", "obituary", "partial-retraction", or "retraction" must have ali:free_to_read
  • /article must have @xml:lang @dtd-version="1.0"
  • ORCID (/contrib-id[@contrib-id-type='orcid']) has attributes authenticaded="yes" and matches regex[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9X]
  • <= 1 /subtitle per (book-)title-group, <= 1 trans-subtitle per trans-title-group
  • no empty attributes
  • counts/@count must be numerical
  • value of name/@name-style is "eastern", "western" or "given-only"
  • /abbrev-journal-title must be specified and must have @abbrev-type="ltwa"
  • issn/@publication-format must be specified, accepted values "print" or "online"
  • ISSN and eISSN must match regex [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9X]
  • eISSN must be specied
  • DOI must be stated, prefix actually belongs to Brill, DOI matches regex ^10.\d{4,9}/[-._;()/:a-z0-9]+$', chapter doi prefixes identical to book DOI prefix
  • article-id/@pub-id-type must be specified, values "EM" or "doi"
  • article-title must be specified
  • alt-title/@alt-title-type must be specified, values "toc" or "running-head", alt-title[@alt-title-type='toc'] must be stated
  • /contrib must have @contrib-type, values "author", "translator", "editor"
  • article-meta//contrib/@corresp only has accepted value "yes"
  • article-meta//contrib/@deceased has accepted values "yes", "no"
  • article-meta//contrib/@equal-contrib has accepted values "yes", "no"
  • article-meta//institution-id must have @institution-id-type = 'ringgold'
  • article-meta//pub-date/@date-type has accepted values "issue" or "article"
  • pub-date/year must match [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]
  • article-meta/fpage must have @specific-use='PDF' and @seq
  • supplementary-material must have @xlink:href and @specific-use with accepted values "local" or "figshare"
  • article-meta/history/date must have @date-type with value "received", "initial-decision", "rev-recd", "rev-request", "accepted", "version-of-record", "pub", "preprint", "retracted" or "corrected"
  • article-meta/permissions must have /copyright-statement, /copyright-year, /copyright-holder, /license and /license/license-p
  • article-meta/permissions/license must have @license-type with value "CCC" or "open-access". In case of "open-access", @xlink:title with value "CC-BY", "CC-BY-SA", "CC-BY-ND", "CC-BY-NC", "CC-BY-NC-SA" or "CC-BY-NC-ND" and @xlink:href must be specified.
  • article-meta/self-uri must have @xlink:href
  • article-meta/trans-abstract must have @xml:lang
  • article-meta/kwd-group must have @kwd-group-type="uncontrolled"
  • funding-group//institution-id must have @institution-id-type with value "doi" or "ringgold"
  • article-meta must have custom-meta-group with /custom-meta / /custom-value pair "version"/"header" or "version"/"fulltext"
  • body//graphic must have @orientation with value "portrait" or "landscape"
  • sec/@sec-type must be heading-[1-8]
  • fig-group//attrib|verse-group//attrib must not have /sc
  • @list-type must be 'order', 'bullet', 'alpha-lower', 'alpha-upper', 'roman-lower', 'roman-upper' or 'simple'
  • ref and media must have @id
  • person-group must have @person-group-type with value 'all-authors', 'assignee', 'author', 'compiler', 'curator', 'director', 'editor', 'guest-editor', 'inventor', 'transed' or 'translator'
  • mixed-citation/@publication-type must be 'book', 'journal', 'web', 'data', 'list', 'other', 'patent', 'thesis', 'commun', 'confproc', 'discussion' or 'gov'
  • media must have @content-type='fighsare', @specific-use='original-format', @position='anchor', @orientation='portrait', @mimetype='video', @mime-subtype='avi', @xlink:href and /object-id
  • object-id must have @pub-id-type="doi" and @specific-use="metadata"
  • mixed-citation must have <=1 /fpage, /volume, /article-title, /series, /issue respectively