- Imprint imprint is a predefined string for supported imprints:
- brill
- vr
- bvk
- bvw
- sfm
- bookID is a 4 to 6 digit number. Although this could be any unique ID, the default ID are the 5 digits in the ISBN next to the publisher's ID, positions 8 - 12.
- free-text is an additional string to identify the title. It can be used to add series/volume information or the name of the author for out of series titles
- imprint and book ID bookID as above.
- free-text is optional and can be used for anthologies to specify the name of the author
- nn is a two-digit numbering 01 - 99
- a is optional and can be used to indicate figures that belong together, for example .._fig02a.jpg and .._fig02b.jpg
- ext is the file extension of the image, either "jpg" or "pdf"