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  1. One abstract with a string of keywords in English, regardless the language of the article. This must be available in the full-text PDF too.
  2. A title or translated title in English, regardless the language of the article. The English language article title can be displayed only before the paywall and only; not necessarily in the full-text PDF. Since an English abstract and keywords are enforced it may be easier to include it in the PDF too.
  3. Author affiliation, with the author's academic title, their position within their institution and at least their department and/or faculty, institution name, city* and country in English language. The institution name may remain in the original language. Example: Faculty of History, Campus Den Haag, Universiteit van Leiden, Leiden, The Netherlands
  4. The author's ORCID.
  5. Contact details (an e-mail address is the minimum requirement; in some countries fax is still customary) 

*) Including the state in some English speaking nations (US, Canada, Australia)

Ad 1)  II&A services do not specify a word count for abstracts, although this is a question often asked by publishers. It is therefore useful to suggest a word count of around 100 words125-150 words. Very short abstracts for research articles and tantamount are strongly advised against. For articles submitted in Editorial Manager, 150 words is the maximum for journals in the humanities. For STM (Biology) abstracts up to 250 words are accepted.
