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Comment: added hyperlinks to Hanja and Hangul


In order to support not only modern Korean but also older texts, version 2.0 of Typesetting Korean now specifies Google Noto Serif CJK kr, Regular and Bold, as the main typeface for Korean text. This typeface covers both Hanja and Hangul; even archaic Hangul are supported, something which was missing from the previously-specified Batang typeface. The Hanja coverage of Noto Serif CJK kr is the equal of Batang’s. (According to information found previously on the Google Noto website, the Noto CJK fonts support “over 1.5 million archaic Hangul syllables and 11,172 modern syllables as well as all CJK ideographs in KS X 1001 and KS X 1002.”)
