- One abstract with a string of keywords in English, regardless the language of the article. This must be available in the full-text PDF too.
- A title or translated title in English, regardless the language of the article. The English article title can be displayed before the paywall only; not necessarily in the full-text PDF. Since an English abstract and keywords are enforced it may be is easier to include it in the PDF too.
- Author affiliation, with the author's academic title, their position within their institution and at least their department and/or faculty, institution name, city* and country in English language. The institution name may remain in the original language. Example: Faculty of History, Campus Den Haag, Universiteit van Leiden, Leiden, The Netherlands
- The author's ORCID.
- Contact details (an e-mail address is the minimum requirement; in some countries fax is still customary)
- Article history - received and accepted dates; published online date. . Since the latter date is enforced for the PDF it is better to include the other dates in the PDF too.
*) Including the state in some English speaking nations (US, Canada, Australia)