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/article is the root element in JATS.

@xml:lang is required and indicates the main language of the article. Supported values are ISO 639-2 (B).

xmlns:xlink="" is required

Use xmlns:mml="" if and only if the article contains an element from MathML.
Brill uses MathML3.

dtd-version="1.1" is required for all articles

For all Advance Articles, add @specific-use="prepub" to the root element. Do not add <volume> or <issue>.


Kind or type of the article. The author or Brill will notify the typesetter of this value. Usually, it is "research-article".

Brill supports all 29 values for @article-type that NLM prescribes:

 "abstract", "addendum", "announcement", "article-commentary", "book-review", "books-received", "brief-report", "calendar", "case-report", "collection", "correction", "discussion", "dissertation", "editorial", "in-brief", "introduction", "letter", "meeting-report", "news", "obituary", "oration", "partial-retraction", "product-review", "rapid-communication", "reply", "reprint", "research-article", "retraction", "review-article", "translation".

Optionally, with Brill permission, a typesetter may use "other" as a value for this attribute.

Please Note: for any files that include one of the following values for @article-type:

"correction", "editorial", "introduction", "obituary", "partial-retraction", or "retraction" the element <ali:free_to_read xmlns:ali=""/> is Required under <permissions> (as explained in more detail below).

  • <front>

    • <journal-meta>

      • <journal-id>

Brill uses the E-ISSN as identifier; the type of the identifier is indicated using the @journal-id-type attribute. Contents come from a Master List that Brill will provide typesetters. This element is required twice, once with a @journal-id-type="eissn" and once with @journal-id-type="publisher-id". Note that the hyphen in an ISSN should always be included.

@journal-id-type:  Required attribute. Type of journal identifier or the authority that created a particular journal identifier. Supported values:

  • "eissn": Include the journal’s E-ISSN in this tag.
  • "publisher-id": Include the journal abbreviation in this tag.
      • <journal-title-group>


Contents come from a Master List that Brill will provide typesetters.

        • <journal-title>


Full title of the journal in which the article was published.

        • <journal-subtitle>


This is not an issue title. Issue titles are described in the article metadata. This is a permanent subtitle to a journal.

        • <trans-title-group>

For every translation of the journal title, supply a <trans-title-group>.

@xml:lang: required attribute. Indicates the language of the translated title. This attribute should be included here and not on the sub-elements. Supported values are ISO 639-2 (B).

          • <trans-title>

yesThe translation of the title.
          • <trans-subtitle>

noThe translation of the subtitle.
        • <abbrev-journal-title>

Short form of the title of the journal in which an article is published. Contents come from a Master List that Brill will provide typesetters.

@abbrev-type="ltwa": required attribute/value pair.

      • <issn>

Brill requires that both the E-ISSN and ISSN are always used. Contents come from a Master List that Brill will provide typesetters. In case a journal does not have a ISSN, Brill will let the typesetters know. Note that the hyphen in an ISSN should always be included. for e-only journals NO empty <issn> with the publication-format="print" should be included. (empty elements give a problem in the DOI registration).

@publication-format: required attribute. Indicate whether this ISSN applies to a print or an online version. Supported values:

  • "print"
  • "online"
      • <publisher>

@specific-use: attribute not required. Supported values are:

  • "print"
  • "online"
        • <publisher-name>


Name of the imprint associated with the article or book. Brill will let the typesetters know which imprint to use for the journal.

Currently, for <publisher-name> only the text values below are permitted. (NOTE: historically, other values may exist and should be retained if such files are redelivered, unless expressly noted otherwise.)

  • Brill
  • Brill | Nijhoff
  • Brill | Hotei
  • Brill | Sense
  • Brill | Schöningh
  • Brill | Fink
  • Brill | mentis
  • Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
  • Böhlau Verlag
  • V&R unipress
        • <publisher-loc>

yesUse the location as given on the Title Page of the journal prelims. If the publisher has more than one location (Leiden | Boston), this still has to specified in one element.
    • <article-meta>


Information concerning the article that identifies or describes the article.

      • <article-id>

Unique external identifier assigned to an article. Note that for the DOI, any alphabetic characters within the DOI itself should always be included as lower-case in the XML file.

@pub-id-type: required attribute. Type of publication identifier or the organization or system that defined the identifier.

  • Req. "doi"
  • "EM" This is the Editorial Manager manuscript number. Always include if provided.
      • <article-categories>

        • <subj-group>
subj-group-typeno@subj-group-type: attribute not required. Type of subject group. For some journals, articles are grouped into categories which this Tag Set calls <subject>s, which may be grouped into <subj-group>s. These subject categories are typically shown in the Table of Contents, at the top of the first print or display page, or on the web splash page for an article. The Brill Desk Editor will provide these when needed
          • <subject>

      • <title-group>

        • <article-title>

yesFull title of an article or other journal component, such as an editorial or book review.
        • <alt-title>
alt-title-typeno@alt-title-type: required attribute. Reason or purpose for a (shorter) title to be included. Brill supports 2 values for @alt-title-type:
  • "toc": Title to be used in the table of contents.
  • "running-head": Title to be used as the running head. This is a shorter version of the regular title. An <alt-title> with this type is optional.

An <alt-title alt-title-type="toc"> is always required to be in a <title-group>, but does not need to be a shorter version of the regular title.

        • <subtitle>

Subordinate part of a title for a document or document component. Refer to the manuscript to see what the author meant as subtitle.

        • <trans-title-group>

For every translation of the articletitle, supply a <trans-title-group>.

@xml:lang: required attribute. Indicates the language of the translated title. This attribute should be included here and not on the sub-elements. Supported values are ISO 639-2 (B).

          • <trans-title>

The translation of the title.
          • <trans-subtitle>

The translation of the subtitle.
      • <contrib-group>


Grouping of one or more contributors and information about those contributors. All types of contributors are grouped in one <contrib-group>. Do not add this tag group if an article does not have an author. Note that at most one <contrib-group> is allowed in <article-meta>.

        • <contrib>






A contributor: Container element for information about a single author, editor, or other contributor. If a contribution is without author, do not add <contrib> and <contrib-group>.

@contrib-type: required attribute. Type of contribution made by the contributor. Brill supports following contribution types:

  • "author"
  • "editor"
  • "translator"

@corresp: : In case of multiple authors, this attribute can be used to identify the corresponding author. It is up to the authors to decide if the attribute should be applied and to which contributor and pass this information to the involved Production Editor. Multiple contributors with this attribute are possible. Supported values:

  • "yes"

@deceased: attribute not required. Use if the contributor was deceased when the document was published. Supported values:

  • "yes"
  • "no" Default value, which makes this attributes unnecessary.

@equal-contrib: this is is an optional attribute; there is no default value. Indicates whether or not all contributors contributed equally. If the contributor whom this attribute modifies contributed equally with all other contributors, this attribute should be set to “yes”; if his/her contribution was greater or lesser, then this attribute should be set to “no”.

  • "yes"
  • "no"
          • <contrib-id>



An ORCID identifier for a contributor. Note that an ORCID identifier should include the complete URL, for example:

@contrib-id-type="orcid" and @authenticated="true" required

          • <collab>

Group of contributors credited under a single name; includes an organization credited as a contributor. If <collab> is used, <name> is not required.

          • <name>

Container element for components of personal names, such as a <surname>. Use <name-alternatives> if the name has multiple variants (e.g., in different scripts).

@name-style: attribute not required. Style of processing requested for a structured personal name.

  • "eastern": The name will both be displayed and sorted/inverted with the family name preceding the given name.
  • "western": The name will be displayed with the given name preceding the family name, but will be sorted/inverted with the family name preceding the given name.
  • "given-only": The single name provided is a given name, not a family name/surname. The single name will be both the sort and the display name.

Default value is "western". If an author has only a single name, name-style="given-only" and tag the single name with <given-names>.

            • <surname>


Surname of a person.

            • <given-names>

noAll given names of a person, such as the first name, middle names, maiden name if used as part of the married name, etc. This element will NOT be repeated for every given name a person has.
            • <prefix>


Honorifics or other qualifiers that usually precede a person’s name (for example, Professor, Rev., President, Senator, Dr., Sir, The Honorable).

            • <suffix>


Qualifiers that follow a person’s name (for example, Sr., Jr., III, 3rd).

          • <name-alternatives>


If a contributor’s name has multiple variants, use this element to include all variants. Put the variants in the same order as they would be on the printed page. The contents of this element are identical to the above description of <name>.

            • <name>

child elements /surname, /given-names, /prefix and /suffix as above

@xml:lang: Indicates the language of the name, if in another language than the main language of the article. Supported values are ISO 639-2 (B).

            • <string-name>
xml:langno@xml:lang: Indicates the language of the name, if in another language than the main language of the article. Supported values are ISO 639-2 (B).
          • <email>

The contributor's email address.

@xlink:href: The e-mail address as a mailto: URI.

          • <xref>




A cross reference to an affiliation or to a footnote. 

Req. @ref-type: required attribute. Supported values:

  • "aff"
  • "fn"

@rid: required attribute. Contains the @id of the affiliation this contributor is associated with, or of the associated author-notes. If the reference is to more than one element, add all IDs here separated by spaces.

        • <aff>

Element used to include an affiliation. Note that for every new affiliation, a separate <aff> element should be included.

@id: required attribute. Unique identifier for the affiliation, which is used in conjunction with <xref ref-type="aff" rid=""/> to refer to this affiliation.

          • <institution-wrap>


            • <institution>

Name of an institution or organization, like Universiteit Leiden or Universiteit van Amsterdam.

This information is provided by Brill, but must be checked. This element can also contain the name of the department, like Leiden University Centre for Linguistics. Provide this value with a @content-type="dept".

@content-type: attribute not required. Use this attribute to specify the extra institution information. Supported values:

  • "dept"
  • More values can come from EM and should not be removed.
            • <institution-id>

A externally defined institutional identifier, from an established identifying authority (for example, “Ringgold”).

@institution-id-type: required attribute. Brill only supports Ringgold identifiers for institutions as part of an affiliation. Supported values:

  • "ringgold"
          • <country>


The country the institution is located in. This is represented separately from an <addr-line>. EM provides this information.

          • <addr-line>

An text line in an address. EM provides this information.

@content-type: attribute not required. Indicates what type of address line information it is. EM provides this information. Supported values include:
  • "city"
  • "zipcode"
  • and more supported by EM.
        • <pub-date>




@publication-format: Req. "online"

@date-type: required attribute.

  • Req. "article". Note: a <pub-date> with this attribute is always required and should include the date of original delivery of the XML for the article to Brill. If the article is originally published in Advance, and later republished in an issue, the original date assigned when the Advance version was delivered should be retained here (i.e., it should never be changed). This date should always be included as the first <pub-date> in the XML.
  • "issue". Note: a <pub-date> with this attribute must be included in addition to the "article" pub-date for all articles appearing in an issue. The date to be included should be the date of delivery of the issue XML package to Brill, and again once the issue is published this date should never be changed again. Note that this means that for any articles that are first published online as part of an issue, both "article" and "issue" will be the same date, while articles previously published in Advance will have a different "article" and "issue" dates
          • <day>

yesA day, in (zero-padded) digits.
          • <month>

yesA month, in (zero-padded) digits.
          • <year>


A year, always in 4 digits. Please note that only a single year may ever be included, i.e., "2018". Double years like "2017-2018" are not allowed.

        • <volume>

Number of a journal (or other document) within a series. Note that this element should NOT be included in case the article is published as Advance.

@content-type: required attribute. @content-type="number" and @content-type="year" are always required in two separate <volume> tags.

Brill supports 2 values for @content-type with <volume>.

  • Req. "number", use same digit layout as for <issue>
  • Req. "year", always in 4 digits. Please note that only a single year may ever be included, i.e., "2018". Double years like "2017-2018" are not allowed.
        • <issue>


Issue number of a journal. Note that this element should NOT be included in case the article is published as Advance.

  • No leading zeros.
  • The dash between two numerals is always - (U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS).
        • <issue-title>


This element can be used to include the theme or special issue title for a journal or BRP issue. Guest Editor(s) can be added as well by including "edited by [name(s)]". Volume and Issue number(s) should not be included in this element.

Example: <issue-title>Special Issue: Questions about trans-thoroughfare Fowl Ambulation, edited by A. de Boer and B. Bauer</issue-title>

        • <fpage>




Starting (first) page number of the article.

@specific-use="PDF" required

@seq: required attributeA sequential number starting at 1 per issue that increments for each article in it. This sorts the articles in an issue. For Advance Articles always use @seq=1.

        • <lpage>


Final (last) page number of an article.

        • <page-range>


Text describing discontinuous pagination (for example, 8-11, 14-19, 40).

        • <supplementary-material>





A pointer to external resources that support the article or book, but which are not part of the content of the work.

@xlink:href: required attribute. Will be supplied by the Brill Desk Editor.

Supported values are:

  • figshare DOI
  • supplement filename

@specific-use: required. Will be supplied by the Brill Desk Editor.

  • "figshare"
  • "local"

@mimetype: Only to be used when @specific-use="local". Supported values can be found here: If the value to be used is unclear, consult the Brill Production Editor.

          • <caption>

noOnly when @specific-use="local"
            • <title>

yesAdd the title of the supplementary file, will be supplied by the Brill Desk Editor.
        • <history>


This container element describes the processing history of the journal article, e.g. dates received and accepted.

          • <date>

These date elements should at least provide a <year> and only when that information is available, also the <month> and <day> in two digit numeral values, too.

@date-type: required attribute. Event in the lifecycle of an article that this date is marking (for example, the date the manuscript was received or accepted, the date the electronic preprint was published, or the date of any revision or retraction). Supported values include:

  • "received". Date that article was received.
  • "initial-decision". Date that initial decision was taken on article.
  • "rev-recd". Date that a revised version of the article was received. There may be more than one @date-type with this value.
  • "rev-request". The date revisions were requested. There may be more than one @date-type with this value.
  • "accepted". Date that article was accepted in journal.
  • "version-of-record". Date that the version of record of the article was published (online or print).
  • "pub". The publication date (online or print).
  • "preprint". Preprint dissemination date (online or print).
  • "retracted". The date an article was retracted.
  • "corrected". The date an article was corrected.
            • <day>


A day, in (zero-padded) digits.

            • <month>

noA month, in (zero-padded) digits.
            • <year>

yesA year, in (zero-padded) digits.
        • <permissions>

          • <copyright-statement>


Copyright notice or statement, suitable for printing or display.

          • <copyright-year>

yesThe year of copyright. This may not be displayed
          • <copyright-holder>


Name of the organizational or person that holds a copyright.

          • <license>





A license. Set of conditions under which the content may be used, accessed, and distributed.


  • "ccc". Standard Brill license type. See example for full text.
  • "open-access". Any Open Access license. If used, @xlink:href and @xlink:title are required

@xlink:href: The URL at which the license text can be found. See Creative Commons Licenses.

@xlink:title: If used with a Creative Commons license. Corresponds to @xlink:href. Supported values:

  • "CC-BY"
  • "CC-BY-SA"
  • "CC-BY-ND"
  • "CC-BY-NC"
  • "CC-BY-NC-SA"
  • "CC-BY-NC-ND"
            • <ali:free_to_read>





required xmlns:ali=""

@start_date: optional. Indicates the date on which the free-access license should start. Value should use the following format: "yyyy-mm-dd".

@end_date:optional. Indicates the date on which the free-access license should end. Value should use the following format: "yyyy-mm-dd". The absence of both start_date and end_date dates indicates a permanent free-to-read status.

        • <self-uri>




The URI for the (online) PDF-version of the print article. This empty element encloses a link to the PDF.

@content-type: required. For Brill, this is always:

  • "PDF"

@xlink:href: required. The URL at which the PDF can be found.

        • <abstract>

The article's abstract, so a summarized description of the content.

@xml:lang: optional attribute. Indicates the language of the abstract, if different from /article/@xml:lang. This attribute should be included here and not on the sub-elements. Supported values are ISO 639-2 (B).

          • <title>

yesThe title for the abstract. Usually, this is "Abstract", but it can also be "Samenvatting", "Summary" or "Σύνοψις". The Brill Desk Editor will provide you with a title if it is different than "Abstract". Do not add style elements!
          • <p>

        • <trans-abstract>

An abstract in another language than the main language of the article.

@xml:lang: Indicates the language on a translated abstract in another language than the main language of the article. Supported values are ISO 639-2 (B).

          • <title>

yesThe title for the translated abstract.
          • <p>

yes See Paragraphs
        • <kwd-group>




Keyword group. Container element for one set of keywords (such as <kwd>s) used to describe a document.

@kwd-group-type: required. Indicates the type of keyword group, supported values:


In future versions, systems like the US Library of Congress Subject Headings may be used.

@xml:lang: Indicates a keyword grouping in another language than the main language of the article. Supported values are ISO 639-2 (B).

          • <title>


The title for the keyword group. Usually, this is "Keywords"; the Brill Desk Editor will provide you with a title if it is different than "Keywords". Do not add style elements!

          • <kwd>

yesKeyword, like a subject term, key phrase, indexing word etc. The author will supply this information.
        • <funding-group>

noContainer element for information about the funding of the research reported in the article (for example, grants, contracts, sponsors).
          • <award-group>

Container element for information concerning one award under which the work (or the research on which the work was based) was supported.

The value for this @id attribute will be supplied by Brill. If none is supplied, the attribute should be omitted.

            • <funding-source>

noAgency or organization that funded the research on which a work was based.
              • <institution-wrap>

                • <institution>

yesName of the funding institution or organization.
                  • <institution-id>

@institution-id-type: required. For funders, both DOI and Ringgold values are supported. Supported values:

  • "doi"
  • "ringgold"
            • <award-id>

noUnique identifier assigned to an award, contract, or grant. I.e., the grant number.
            • <principal-award-recipient>

noIndividual(s) or institution(s) to whom the award was given (for example, the principal grant holder or the sponsored individual).
            • <principal-investigator>

noIndividual(s) responsible for the intellectual content of the work reported in the document.
          • <funding-statement>

noDisplayable prose statement that describes the funding for the research on which a work was based.
        • <custom-meta-group>

yesContainer element for metadata not otherwise defined in the Tag Suite. Brill requires header files – XML files that do not contain body content – to have the version: header key-value pair. Brill requires full content files – XML files that contain both header and body content and back matter – to have the version: fulltext key-value pair.
          • <custom-meta>

            • <meta-name>


A custom metadata name (or key). Supported value:

  • "version"
            • <meta-value>


A custom metadata value. Supported values:

  • "header"
  • "fulltext"
