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The <fig>-element with @specific-use="cadmore" is used to specify the video fragment to be included in the HTML-presentation of the article. The basic layout of the xml is given in the following sample. Note that "b1abf5a7-d908-4425-9048-f46f1a50f163" is the Cadmore ID that is generated in the management portal. Additional instructions are available to include the transcription of spoken text or a description of the veideo. See Media files hosted with Cadmore for additional information. 

Sample video integration

Below the sample xml for te integration of a video fragment in the full xml of an article. 

Code Block
titleSample integration
<p><fig specific-use="cadmore" position="float" orientation="portrait">
                            <media xmlns:xlink=""
                                xlink:href="" content-type="media/mp4"
                                position="float" orientation="portrait"/>


Including this XML will result in an inline video player in the full text display of the article:

Sample audio integration

 Below the sample xml for te integration of an audio fragment in the full xml of an article. 

Code Block
titleSample integration
<p><fig specific-use="cadmore" position="float" orientation="portrait">
                            <media xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="" content-type="media/wav" position="float" orientation="portrait"/>

At the location of this XML snippet in the full text, a default image of a microphone is presented, together with the buttons to play and pause the audio fragment.



Note that the procedure below is a first draft. Processing the first publications with video fragments might result in adjustments. 


  1. Provide a table, listing the filenames of the fragments and a short description.
  2. Add an empty column to the table for the Cadmore ID:
  3. Upload the files in the Cadmore management portal. After uploading, the Cadmore ID is known and can be added to the table in the empty column.
  4. Make sure that it is clear for the typesetter where to include each fragment in the full XML version of the publication. As indicated above, the typesetter needs to include the Cadmore ID.

sample of the table 

filenamedescriptionCadmore ID
BEH 3810 Video 4a.mp4A basking shark is filmed underwater as it feeds on plankton off the coast of North Ireland 904dbc58-0fbd-49ad-ab41-5947f28baeb4