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For requests on back content to be flipped to OA retro-actively (before the present publication year current volume and not because of a so-called transformative agreement) the following applies.

  1. The request shall reach the Brill Production Editor (PE) or their teamleader (CDE Journals) from the Brill Open Access team (, c/o Wai Min Kan in most cases). 
  2. CDE-J to check or realize that the vendor by the time the article was published is just the current vendor. In some cases, they will (come to know) that the journal wasn’t with Brill at all 'that long ago'.
  3. If unsure, CDE-J to check with the present vendor if they have been the vendor indeed since the target article was published.
  4. Not that vendor? CDE-J to reach out to other vendor – if known or still on board with Brill.
  5. In case no vendor is available to fix the online files (JATS), CDE-J shall forward the retro-active OA request to the journal's Production Controller.
  6. If the answer to (2) is just affirmative, CDE-J to order a resupply of JATS at the vendor.
  7. No need for Brill to obtain a new final PDF for print, just the new JATS package.
  8. CDE-J to make sure the license type's made known to the vendor, or to Production, and any specialties that may apply.
  9. No need for the PE to create a task in RSuite (though they may do that), and in case the PE will be the recipient of the resupply of JATS, they'd ask the vendor to deliver as e-mail attachment (sizes up to some 20 MB will work). Otherwise ftp, or Quick Task or re-activated issue workflow in RSuite.
  10. to send the following information to Production (Production Controller of the particular journal) 
    1. Journal acronym
    2. E-ISSN
    3. Volume number
    4. Issue number
    5. Article title
    6. Type of Open Access License
  11. Production will take care of adjusting the XML and resupply of the issue package 
  12. In the eventual case the PE (CDE Journals) In case CDE-J will be the recipient of the resupply of JATS, they shall upload the new zip package to JRNL_Resupply (MS Teams ).
  13. PE to ask thier teamleader CDE Journals for any assistance re. #2-#5) and #8 above.

For retro-active OA requests passed on to Production - they will fix the applicable file(s) in-house and reload to, or involve Brill's preferred supplier for this.

  1. for Brill) 

B. Retro-active OA (recently published, due publication in OA under an umbrella agreement)

For requests on recently published content to be flipped to OA during such content's present publication year and if enforced by an institutional or a.k.a. transformative agreement (see on Institutional Open Access Agreements ( the following applies.

Brill Open Access team to periodically point the CDE Journals teamleaders team leader(s) to an actual overview. They Team leader CDE-J will investigate and reach out to the respective vendors for resupplies of JATS.

C. OA during pre-press stage on a basis of 'author pays' or special requests

For requests on a per case basis to publish an article in OA, the Brill Open Access will inform the responsible PE. The PE will issue a semi-tailor made License to Publish form to the author and make an invoice request to Brill Open Access. OA requests processed in Editorial Manager: pro memoria. 

NOTE: Open Access factsheet and guidelines - summary to published here shortly, details for CDE-J staff to be


shared internally only