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  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: LuaTeX: no bugs in rendering Linear B

Table of Contents
Version 1.0.




25 February 2022

Version history:

1.0, 17 February 2022

1.01, 21 February 2022

1.02, 22 February 2022

1.03, 25 February 2022

About the script


  • Adobe InDesign users must switch the paragraph composer applied to all paragraphs containing text in the Linear B script, even if there is just one Linear B character, to either of the older Adobe Paragraph Composers: Adobe Paragraph Composer or the Adobe Single-line Paragraph Composer.
  • If a paragraph containing Linear B characters also contains complex-script text (this includes any bidirectional script such as Phoenician, Hebrew, Syriac, Arabic, etc., but also many others!), only switching to an older Adobe Paragraph Composer is very likely to cause new problems elsewhere.

In such an event, Brill personnel must always contact A A typesetting program other than Adobe InDesign (think , such as LuaTeX as used by TAT Zetwerk) will probably , does not exhibit this bug.

  • Typesetters must also check that 𐄐 (U+10110, AEGEAN NUMBER TEN) and 𐄒 (U+10112, AEGEAN NUMBER THIRTY) are rendered correctly with the Noto Sans Linear B font as well – if these characters occur, of course.
