Cadmore allows for media files (audio and video) to be hosted on their servers and be embedded in the full XML content of publications on The following tagging has been agreed upon (identical for JATS and BITS):
Tagging of Cadmore content
<p><fig specific-use="cadmore" position="float" orientation="portrait"> <alternatives> <media xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="" content-type="media/mp4" position="float" orientation="portrait"/> <supplementary-material specific-use="search-transcript" position="float" orientation="portrait"> <speech> <speaker/> <p> <list> <list-item> <label>00:00:00:000</label> <p>[MUSIC PLAYING]</p> </list-item> <list-item> <label>00:00:02:928</label> <p>null</p> </list-item> </list> </p> </speech> <speech> <speaker>SPEAKER</speaker> <p> <list> <list-item> <label>00:00:19:032</label> <p>This video demonstrates the multimodal treatment</p> </list-item> <list-item> <label>00:00:22:250</label> <p>of a pediatric posterior fossa arteriovenous malformation,</p> </list-item> <list-item> <label>00:00:26:120</label> <p>employing both endovascular and microsurgical techniques.</p> </list-item> </list> </p> </speech> </supplementary-material> </alternatives> </fig></p>
Note that fig[@speficic-use='cadmore']/media[@content-type][@xlink:href] is mandatory and media/@xlink:href should contain the link to the resource on Cadmore.