XML of titles without a chapter structure causes problems at brill.com. A BITS-package with only an XML- and full PDF-file will load without errors, but the download option of the full PDF results in an empty PDF-file. The modification hereafter will add a preview chapter with the first 10 pages of the title. This preview replaces the standard chapter preview at brill.com for users that don't have access.
1 Create PDF preview
A PDF-preview file should be added to the zip-package. This file must contain the first 10 pages cut from the full PDF in the package.
• Content: 10 pages
• Naming: (eISBN)_preview.pdf
2 Modification of the XML
The PDF-preview should be added to the XML file as a chapter within a <book-body>-element. Some parts in the XML should be copied from the <book-meta>-group in the XML. These are marked with brackets ( ) in the sample below:
- (title DOI): copy the DOI for the complete title and add "_001" to create a unique DOI for the preview chapter
- (title of the book): copy the full title of the book as the title of the chapter
- (year): copy the copyright year
- (eISBN): copy the eISBN in the filename of the PDF with the preview, as explained in the previous paragraph
<book-body> <book-part id="BP000001" book-part-type="chapter" seq="1"> <book-part-meta> <book-part-id book-part-id-type="doi">(Title DOI)_001</book-part-id> <title-group> <title>(title of the book)</title> <subtitle>Preview</subtitle> </title-group> <fpage specific-use="PDF" seq="1">1</fpage> <lpage>10</lpage> <permissions> <copyright-statement>© Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2019</copyright-statement> <copyright-year>(year)</copyright-year> <ali:free_to_read xmlns:ali="http://www.niso.org/schemas/ali/1.0/"/> </permissions> <self-uri xlink:href="(eISBN)_preview.pdf" content-type="PDF"/> </book-part-meta> </book-part> </book-body>
3 ZIP file
The newly created PDF preview file, the full PDF and the updated XML should be packed together in a zip-file according to the standard instructions for webready packages.