Page tree

There are two options to add supplementary material to an article:

  1. Using Figshare as described in Figshare (supplementary material). In this case the material is separated from the article itself. Reference to the supplementary material at the Figshare server can be made through a DOI link.
  2. Include the supplementary material in the JATS package. An additional tab is created at the article page on From this tab the supplementary files can be downloaded.

Details of the second option are specified hereafter.

Subfolder "supplement"

The supplementary material must be placed in a subfolder in the JATS package. Name of the subfolder must be “supplement”. Supplementary files for all articles in the issue should be placed in this folder. Example:

XML specifications

In the XML the element <supplementary-material> is used to refer to a specific file in the supplement subfolder. The element is positioned after the <lpage> and before <history>. It has the following attributes / elements:

    1. Attribute specific-use="local" to identify that a file on the webserver is used as supplementary material
    2. Attribute mimetype="[.ext]" to specify the file extension/filetype. Supported values can be found here:
    3. Attribute xlink:href="supplement/[filename]" to specify the file
    4. Element <label>Download [filetype] file</label> to create a link to the file with the supplementary material. Instead of "Download ... file" other text can be used for the link, for example the title of the supplementary material. In case of multiple supplements, a numbering can be added that refers to numbers in the article itself.


Supplementary material
<supplementary-material specific-use="local"
	<label>Download Excel file</label>

Example with multiple files:

Supplementary material
<supplementary-material specific-use="local"
	<label>Excel file with the complete dataset</label>
<supplementary-material specific-use="local"
	<label>Sample interview transcription</label>