The <collection-meta>-element is used to specify the series information of a title that is published in a book-series. In general, this information is printed on page ii of the printed version. The following table gives an overview of the elements that are used to specify this information in XML. Next an example is given. See the BITS 2.0 tag library for a full description of elements and attributes.
element | attribute(s) | required | description |
| collection-type | YES | attribute value: "series" or "sub-series". In case of "sub-series", two <collection-meta>-elements are used to specify the information on the series and on the sub-series level. |
| @collection-id-type | YES | An Brill identifier, that your Brill Desk Editor will supply. @collection-id-type="publisher" required. |
| YES | title and - if applicable - subtitle of the series. In case of a translated title, a <trans-title-goup> is added within the <title-group> element with <trans-title> and <trans-subtitle>. Note that only one <subtitle>-element is allowed (see Multiple subtitle lines). | |
| YES | ||
| NO | ||
| YES | ||
| contrib-type deceased equal-contrib | YES NO NO | Values for the @contrib-type are: "series editor" (default, unless specifically identified as one of the other types on the page/by the Brill Desk Editor),"editor-in-chief", "founding editor", "managing editor", "associate editor", "technical editor", "editorial board/council member", "advisory editor", "copy editor", "translator" @deceased="yes" is added in case the contributor is deceased. @equal-contrib="yes" can be added in case the contributor whom this attribute modifies contributed equally with all other contributors. |
| NO | A group of authors, but referred to only as a group, for example a consortium or an institute, like the UN. If <collab> is used, <name> is not required. | |
| name-style xml:lang | YES NO | The name of the contributor is specified with a combination of the elements <surname>, <given-names>, <prefix> and <suffix>. @name-style has the values
| NO | In case of an alternative name or names in a different language or script, a <name-alternatives>-group can be included, containing again <name>-element(s) (see above) and/or <string-name>-element(s) for each alternative name. In such a case, the @xml:lang is added to specify the language of the alternative name. | |
| contrib-id-type authenticated | NO NO | <contrib-id> is only required in case an ORCID-number is available: @contrib-id-type="orcid". Use @authenticated="true" in case the ORCID number is indeed authenticated. Editorial Manager does this by default. Note that the complete URL should be specified, for example: |
| ref-type rid | A cross-reference for each contributor to an affiliation, specified in the next section, @ref-type="aff". Default format of the @rid is "AFFnnnnnn": AFF + a 6-digit sequential numbering, starting with "000001" | |
| id | NO | information for each <xref>-element in the <contrib>-elements. The value of @id is equal to the value of @rid used in the <xref>-elements above. |
| |||
| content-type | YES | Name of an institution or organization, like Universiteit Leiden or Universiteit van Amsterdam. This information is provided by Brill, but it must be checked. This element can also contain the name of the department, like Leiden University Centre for Linguistics. Provide this value with a @content-type="dept". |
| institution-id-type | NO | Brill only supports Ringgold identifiers: @institution-id-type="ringgold" |
| NO | The country the institution is located in. | |
| YES | ||
| YES | ||
| publication-format | YES | publication-format="print" is required. If available, a second <issn>-element should be added with publication-format="online" |
<collection-meta collection-type="series"> <collection-id collection-id-type="publisher">VKI</collection-id> <title-group> <title>Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde</title> </title-group> <contrib-group> <contrib contrib-type="series-editor"> <name><surname>Hoefte</surname> <given-names>Rosemarijn</given-names></name> <xref ref-type="aff" rid="AFF000001"/> <contrib-id contrib-id-type="orcid"></contrib-id> </contrib> <contrib contrib-type="series-editor"> <name><surname>Nordholt</surname> <given-names>Henk Schulte</given-names></name> <xref ref-type="aff" rid="AFF000001"/> </contrib> <contrib contrib-type="series-editor"> <name name-style="western"> <surname>Chen (陈颀)</surname> <given-names>Qi</given-names> </name> <name-alternatives> <name name-style="western"> <surname>Chen</surname> <given-names>Qi</given-names> </name> <string-name name-style="eastern" xml:lang="zh">陈颀</string-name> </name-alternatives> </contrib> <aff id="AFF000001"> <institution-wrap> <institution>Universiteit Leiden</institution> <institution content-type="dept">KITLV</institution> <institution-id institution-id-type="ringgold">84812</institution-id> </institution-wrap> <country>The Netherlands</country> </aff> </contrib-group> <volume-in-collection><volume-number>313</volume-number></volume-in-collection> <issn publication-format="print">1572-1892</issn> </collection-meta>