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Multiple subtitle lines may occur in a publication. Although the JATS and BITS standards allow multiple subtitle elements to be used, the use of more than one subtitle line raises problems in the registration of title information together with the DOI at Crossref. Also, at only the first subtitle element is being displayed.  To avoid this, multiple subtitle lines should be combined in one <subtitle>-element. A <break/>-instruction can be used to start a 2nd subtitle line on a new line.

If used, a <trans-title-group> should also contain only one <trans-subtitle>-element. If necessary, the <break/>-instruction can also be used here.

An example

the following situation, copied from 9783846764244

should thus be coded as follows:

Subtitle example
	<title>„In mezzo alla folla fuggiasca e delirante“</title>
	<subtitle><italic>Das Ich zwischen Bedrängung und Befreiung</italic><break/>
	<italic>Die Menge als Begegnungsort in Luigi Pirandellos</italic> Suo marito</subtitle>