Page tree

Boook metadata is specified in the <book-meta>-element. The following table gives an overview of the elements that are used to specify this information in XML. Next examples are given. See the BITS 2.0 tag library for a full description of elements and attributes. 

  • <book-meta>

    • <book-id>
book-id-typeYES@book-id-type="doi". Value of the DOI is specified by the Brill Production Editor. In general, the EISBN is used  in combination with the imprint identifier. See also DOI structure for Books
    • <book-title-group>

YESNote that only one <subtitle>-element is allowed (due to CrossRef limitations to register the DOI). See Multiple subtitle lines for how to handle in case of more subtitles.
      • <book-title>

      • <subtitle>

      • <trans-title-group>

In case of a translated title, a <trans-title-goup> is added for each translation of the main title and - if applicable - subtitle within the <book-title-group> element. The @xml:lang must be added to specify the language of the translation. Supported values are ISO 639-2 (B). See the example below.
        • <trans-title>

        • <trans-subtitle>

      • <alt-title> 
alt-title-typeNOAn alternative or different version of the title of the book used for sorting. @alt-title-type="sort-title". See the example below.
    • <contrib-group>

NOGrouping of one or more contributors and information about those contributors. All types of contributors are grouped in one <contrib-group>. Note that at most one <contrib-group> is allowed in <book-meta>.
      • <contrib>









Values for the @contrib-type are: "author", "volume editor" (default Book-level editor), "contributor", "advisor", "editor" (used for Text Editions only), "editor/translator", "translator", "copy editor

@corresp="yes" is used in case the book has multiple authors and this contributor is specifically identified as Corresponding Author. Do not include in all other cases. Can be used for multiple contributors to the same book.

@deceased="yes" is added in case the contributor is deceased.

@equal-contrib="yes" can be added in case the contributor whom this attribute modifies contributed equally with all other contributors. 

        • <collab>

NOA group of authors, but referred to only as a group, for example a consortium or an institute, like the UN. If <collab> is used, <name> is not required.
        • <name>





The name of the contributor is specified with a combination of  the elements <surname>, <given-names>, <prefix> and <suffix>. See the example with name alternatives below.

@name-style has the values

  • "eastern" (The name will both be displayed and sorted/inverted with the family name preceding the given name),
  • "western" (Default, the name will be displayed with the given name preceding the family name, but will be sorted/inverted with the family name preceding the given name),
  • "given-only": The single name provided is a given name, not a family name/surname. The single name will be both the sort and the display name. If an author has only a single name, name-style="eastern" and tag the single name with <surname>.
        • <name-alternatives>

NOIn case of an alternative name or names in a different language or script, a <name-alternatives>-group can be included, containing again <name>-element(s) (see above) and/or <string-name>-element(s) for each alternative name. In such a case, the @xml:lang is added to specify the language of the alternative name.`Supported values are ISO 639-2 (B). See the example below.
        • <email>
xlink:hrefNOThe contributor’s email address.
@xlink:href contains the e-mail address as a mailto: URI.
        • <contrib-id>





<contrib-id> is only required in case an ORCID-number is available: @contrib-id-type="orcid". Use @authenticated="true" in case the ORCID number is indeed authenticated. Editorial Manager does this by default. Note that the complete URL should be specified, for example:
        • <xref/>



A cross-reference for each contributor to an affiliation, specified in the next section, @ref-type="aff". Default format of the @rid is "AFFnnnnnn": AFF + a 6-digit sequential numbering, starting with "000001"

      • <aff>
idNOinformation for each <xref>-element in the <contrib>-elements. The value of @id is equal to the value of @rid used in the <xref>-elements above. Note that an <aff> with the corresponding @id must be present for each @rid used in the <xref>-elements.
        • <institution-wrap>

          • <institution>

Name of an institution or organization, like Universiteit Leiden or Universiteit van Amsterdam.

This information is provided by Brill, but it must be checked. This element can also contain the name of the department, like Leiden University Centre for Linguistics. Provide this value with a @content-type="dept".

          • <institution-id>

Brill only supports Ringgold identifiers: @institution-id-type="ringgold"

        • <country>

NOThe country the institution is located in. The country is specified separate from the address information.
        • <addr-line>
content-typeNOA text line in an address.
@content-type indicates what type of address line information it is. Supported values include "city", "zipcode"
    • <pub-date>
publication-formatYESBoth print and online publication dates can be specified, using <day>, <month> and <year> elements.  To which version the information applies is defined by @publication-format="print" or "online".
    • <book-volume-number>

NOThe volume number of the book, in case it is split into multiple volumes.
    • <isbn>
publication-formatYESInternational Standard Book Number, the international code for identifying a particular product form or edition of a publication. The code is always set without spaces or hyphens. As with <pub-date> the @publication-format is used to distinghuish the different version. In additio to "print"and "online", also "hardback" and "paperback" can be used in case of multiple print versions with separate ISBNs.
    • <publisher>


Name of the imprint associated with the book. Brill will let the typesetters know which imprint to use for the book. Imprint information changes over time. Current imprints (2022) are Brill, Brill Nijhoff, Brill Hotei, Brill Schöningh, Brill Fink, Brill mentis, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Böhlau and V&R unipress.

The location information will also be specified.

      • <publisher-name>

      • <publisher-loc>

    • <edition>

NOThe full edition statement for a document, book part, collection, event, or for a cited or referenced publication.
    • <supplementary-material>




A pointer to resources that support the book, but which are not part of the content. If used the two attributes must be specified

@specific-use is either "figshare" or "local" In case of @specific-use="local". a <caption><title>-elements should be added to specify the title of the supplementary material.

@xlink:href contains the link to the material.If it is available at Figshare, the figshare DOI can be used.

    • <permissions>

YESDifferent versions of the permission statement are possible depending on the copyright statement. 
      • <copyright-statement>

YESCopyright notice or statement, suitable for printing or display.
      • <copyright-year>

YESThe year of copyright. This may not be displayed.
      • <copyright-holder>

YESName of the organization or person that holds the copyright.
      • <license>





A license. Set of conditions under which the content may be used, accessed, and distributed.

@license-type="ccc" is the Standard Brill license type. See example for full text. The text may be changed with the imprints.

@license-type="open-access" defines any Open Access license. If used, @xlink:href and @xlink:title are required. @xlink:href contains the link to the URL at which the license text can be found. See Creative Commons Licenses.

      • <license-p>

YESActual paragraph with the license text. 
      • <ali:free_to_read>





Indicates any free-access license. Only to be used on specific instruction from Brill.

@xmlns:ali="" must be specified

@start_date and @end_date are optional and will be specified by Brill. Format is "yyyy-mm-dd"

    • <self-uri/> 




The URI for the (online) PDF-version of the book. Do not add this element if there is no corresponding PDF file.


@xlink:href specifies the filename , for example:

<self-uri content-type="pdf" xlink:href="9789004287150_ebook_content_text.pdf"/>
    • <funding-group>

NOContainer element for information about the funding of the research reported in the book (for example, grants, contracts, sponsors). See the example below.
      • <award-group>
idContainer element for information concerning one award under which the work (or the research on which the work was based) was supported. The @id attribute supplies a document-internal unique reference to an element.
        • <funding-source>

@xlink:href is used to specify the home page of the funding source. In case a DOI link reference is used, this can be specified in a <named content>-element with @content-type="funder-id", for example:

<named-content content-type="funder-id"></named-content>

          • <institution-wrap>

            • <institution>

Name of the funding institution or organization.

            • <institution-id>

@institution-id-type: required. For funders, both DOI and Ringgold values are supported. Supported values:

  • "doi"
  • "ringgold"
        • <award-id>

Unique identifier assigned to an award, contract, or grant. I.e., the grant number.
        • <principal-award-recipient>

Individual(s) or institution(s) to whom the award was given (for example, the principal grant holder or the sponsored individual).
        • <principal-investigator>

Individual(s) responsible for the intellectual content of the work reported in the document.
      • <funding-statement>

Displayable prose statement that describes the funding for the research on which a work was based.
    • <counts>

      • <book-page-count/>
countWhereas the content can indicate a page-amount such as xii + 351, in @count this must be a numerical total page count.
    • <custom-meta-group>


Container element for metadata not otherwise defined in the Tag Suite. Brill requires one of the following options:

  1. for header only xml files: <custom-meta>version</custom-meta><meta-value>header</meta-value>
  2. for full-text xml files: <custom-meta>version</custom-meta><meta-value>fulltext</meta-value>
      • <custom-meta>

      • <meta-value>

Book Metadata example
	<book-id book-id-type="doi">10.1163/9789004387058</book-id>
		<book-title>The Book in Mamluk Egypt and Syria (1250–1517)</book-title>
		<subtitle>Scribes, Libraries and Market</subtitle>
		<contrib contrib-type="author">
			<name name-style="western">
	<pub-date publication-format="online">
	<isbn publication-format="print">9789004387003</isbn>
	<isbn publication-format="online">9789004387058</isbn>
		<publisher-loc>Leiden | Boston</publisher-loc>
		<copyright-statement>Copyright 2019 by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands.</copyright-statement>
		<copyright-holder>Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands</copyright-holder>
		<license license-type="ccc">
			<license-p>This work is published by Koninklijke Brill NV. Koninklijke Brill NV incorporates the imprints Brill, Brill Hes & De Graaf, Brill Nijhoff, Brill Rodopi, Brill Sense and Hotei Publishing. Koninklijke Brill NV reserves the right to protect the publication against unauthorized use and to authorize dissemination by means of offprints, legitimate photocopies, microform editions, reprints, translations, and secondary information sources, such as abstracting and indexing services including databases. Requests for commercial re-use, use of parts of the publication, and/or translations must be addressed to Koninklijke Brill NV.</license-p>
	<self-uri content-type="PDF" xlink:href="9789004387058_webready_content_text.pdf"/>
		<book-page-count count="190"/>
trans-title-group example
	<book-title>Is this real? Phenomenology of the Imaginary.</book-title>
	<trans-title-group xml:lang="nl">
		<trans-title>Bestaat dit echt?</trans-title>
	<trans-title-group xml:lang="fr">
		<trans-title>Est-ce réel? Phénoménologies de l’imaginaire</trans-title>
alt-title example
	<book-title>The Ancient World and Beyond</book-title>
	<alt-title alt-title-type="sort-title">Ancient World and Beyond, The</alt-title>
name-alternatives example
<contrib contrib-type="author">
  <name name-style="western">
    <surname>Chen (陈颀)</surname>
    <name name-style="western">
    <string-name name-style="eastern" xml:lang="zh">陈颀</string-name>

supplementary-material example
<supplementary-material specific-use="local" xlink:href="1568539x_148_09-10_s009_s0001.mp4" mimetype="application/mp4">
	<caption><title>File Title</title></caption>
<supplementary-material specific-use="figshare" xlink:href="10.6084/m9.figshare.4725469.v1" />
permissions examples
<!-- copyright Brill-->
  <copyright-statement>Copyright YYYY by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands</copyright-statement>
  <copyright-holder>Koninklijke Brill NV</copyright-holder>
  <license license-type="ccc">
    <license-p>This work is published by Koninklijke Brill NV. Koninklijke Brill NV incorporates the imprints Brill, Brill Hes & De Graaf, Brill Nijhoff, Brill Rodopi, Brill Sense, Hotei Publishing, mentis Verlag, Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh and  Wilhelm Fink Verlag. Koninklijke Brill NV reserves the right to protect the publication against unauthorized use and to authorize dissemination by means of offprints, legitimate photocopies, microform editions, reprints, translations, and secondary information sources, such as abstracting and indexing services including databases. Requests for commercial re-use, use of parts of the publication, and/or translations must be addressed to Koninklijke Brill NV.</license-p>

<!-- Open Access
Add the license information as specified by the Brill desk editor. For books, use the information as noted on page iv of the front matter. Do not forget to change the @xlink:href, @xlink:title and the texts of the <license-p> as needed for the specific Creative Commons license.-->
    <copyright-statement>Copyright YYYY by Author(s)/Editor(s).</copyright-statement>
    <copyright-holder>Author(s) and/or Editor(s)</copyright-holder>
    <license license-type="open-access" xlink:href="" xlink:title="CC-BY-NC">
      <license-p>This is an open access *[book/chapter/article]* distributed under the terms of the CC-BY-NC 4.0 License.</license-p>

<!-- Free Access
In some cases Brill wants to use the <ali:free_to_read> tag to indicate free content. Brill will supply the information for @start_date and @end_date (if applicable).-->
  <copyright-statement>Copyright YYYY by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands</copyright-statement>
  <copyright-holder>Koninklijke Brill NV</copyright-holder>
  <license license-type="ccc">
    <license-p>This work is published by Koninklijke Brill NV. Koninklijke Brill NV incorporates the imprints Brill, Brill Hes & De Graaf, Brill Nijhoff, Brill Rodopi, Brill Sense, Hotei Publishing, mentis Verlag, Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh and  Wilhelm Fink Verlag. Koninklijke Brill NV reserves the right to protect the publication against unauthorized use and to authorize dissemination by means of offprints, legitimate photocopies, microform editions, reprints, translations, and secondary information sources, such as abstracting and indexing services including databases. Requests for commercial re-use, use of parts of the publication, and/or translations must be addressed to Koninklijke Brill NV.</license-p>
  <ali:free_to_read xmlns:ali="" start_date="YYYY-MM-DD" end_date="YYYY-MM-DD"/>
funding-group example
	<award-group id="ID0ENIAG255">
    	<funding-source>National Natural Science Foundation of China<named-content content-type="funder-id"></named-content></funding-source>
    	<principal-award-recipient>zejun zhang</principal-award-recipient>
    <award-group id="ID0ERLAG256">
    	<funding-source>National Natural Science Foundation of China<named-content content-type="funder-id"></named-content></funding-source>
    	<principal-award-recipient>Dunwu Qi</principal-award-recipient>
    <award-group id="ID0EZMAG257">
    	<funding-source>International Cooperation Foundation for Giant Pandas of the State Forestry Administration</funding-source>
    	<principal-award-recipient>zejun zhang</principal-award-recipient>