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The platform provides access to authors and editors to their publications. Requirement for this option is an email address in the XML of the book, chapter or article. After loading the content to, an automated email is sent to this email address with a token to arrange access. Hereafter samples are given of the addition of the email address to the <contrib>-information of a monograph, a chapter in an edited volume and an article in a journal issue.

email address of the author of a monograph

In case of a monograph, the email address(es) of the author(s) is added to the <contrib>-information of the volume author(s), below the <book-title>

Email address of a monograph author
	<book-id book-id-type="doi">10.1163/9789004510456</book-id>
		<book-title>State Consent to Foreign Military Intervention during Civil Wars</book-title>
		<contrib contrib-type="author">
			<name name-style="western">
  			<email xlink:href=""></email>

email addresses in edited volumes

In case of an edited volume, email address should be added both to the volume editor(s) - similar as above - as well as the author(s) of the difference chapters.

Email of the volume editor(s)
	<book-id book-id-type="doi">10.1163/9789004464865</book-id>
		<book-title>Renaissance Politics and Culture</book-title>
		<subtitle>Essays in Honour of Robert Black</subtitle>
		<contrib contrib-type="volume editor">
 			<email xlink:href=""></email>

Email of the chapter author
<book-part book-part-type="chapter" seq="1" id="BP000012">
		<book-part-id book-part-id-type="doi">10.1163/9789004464865_002</book-part-id>
			<label>Chapter 1</label>
			<title>title of the chapter</title>
			<contrib contrib-type="author">
				<email xlink:href=""></email>
		<fpage specific-use="PDF" seq="1">1</fpage>
		<self-uri content-type="PDF" xlink:href="9789004464865_webready_content_s002.pdf"/>
			<book-page-count count="13"/>

email address of the author of an article

The next example shows the email addresses in the <contrib>-information in the XML of an article written by two authors.

Email address of the author of an article
	<contrib contrib-type="author">
		<name name-style="western">
			<surname>De Vito</surname>
			<given-names>Christian G.</given-names>
		<email xlink:href=""></email>
		<xref ref-type="aff" rid="AFF000001"/>
	<contrib contrib-type="author">
		<contrib-id contrib-id-type="orcid" authenticated="true"></contrib-id>
		<name name-style="western">
			<given-names>Viola Franziska</given-names>
		<email xlink:href=""></email>
		<xref ref-type="aff" rid="AFF000001"/>
	<aff id="AFF000001">
			<institution>University of Vienna</institution>
			<institution-id institution-id-type="ringgold">27258</institution-id>
		<addr-line content-type="city">Vienna</addr-line>

email address of the corresponding author

The sample below shows the <contrib-group> for an article with multiple authors. The @corresp="yes"  is added to the first author. Her email address is added to her <contrib>-information. In this particular case, a footnote is added to indicate that she is the corresponding author.

email address of a corresponding author
	<contrib contrib-type="author" corresp="yes">
		<name name-style="western"><surname>Garris</surname><given-names>Sarah S.</given-names></name>
		<xref ref-type="aff" rid="AFF000001"/>
		<email xlink:href=""></email>
		<xref ref-type="fn" rid="FN000001">*</xref>
	<contrib contrib-type="author">
		<name name-style="western"><surname>Rohrer</surname><given-names>Karl N.</given-names></name>
		<xref ref-type="aff" rid="AFF000001"/>
	<contrib contrib-type="author">
		<name name-style="western"><surname>Ferkin</surname><given-names>Michael H.</given-names></name>
		<xref ref-type="aff" rid="AFF000001"/>
	<aff id="AFF000001">
		<institution content-type="dept">Department of Biological Science</institution>, 
		<institution>University of Memphis</institution>, 
		<addr-line>Ellington Hall, Memphis TN 38152</addr-line>, 