Page tree

According to the BTS, the imprint logo should be printed on the title page of each book and journal front matter (centered at the bottom) and on the first page of each journal article (upper-left corner). The logo's can be downloaded here for the imprints mentioned below. Each logo is available in .eps and .pdf format. JPG-versions of the different formats are added to the page to give an overview of the available options (the jpg-version should not be used). The .eps version of each logo is scaled at 100% of its printing size.

Note that for the logo at page 1 of a journal article, different variants exist. The chosen option should be used for every article in a journal.

The Corporate Identity Manual gives an overview of the available options for different situations and samples of title page and first pages of articles. Note that the manual anticipates upon the addition of the "prefix" Brill to the last four imprints mentioned above. With the addition of Brill, the square logo changes into the Pallas Athena logo. As soon as the decision to do so is taken, the logo's at the pages for the last four imprints will be updated.

  • Note  that at title pages and the first page of articles, the logo's should be used in black-and-white or grayscale to avoid additional costs for colored pages.
  • At the first page of articles, the left side of the square part of the logo should align with the left of the body text. The bottom of the logo aligns with the journal url at the upper-right of the page.
  • book title page logos are placed according to the BTS. below the logo the place information "LEIDEN | BOSTON", "PADERBORN", etc. is printed.