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PDF proof versions and final Hardcopy files

The next table gives an overview of the templates and examples for the proof versions and final files. The project specific parts of the template are between [ ].

proof versionsfinal filesremark

Deliver the complete content of a book as one file. The file should include all chapters, both the
front and back matter, blank pages etc. Only if part of the book is to be printed on different paper, this part should be deliverd in a separate file (see hereafter).

  • 9789004123456_Smith_text_proof-01.pdf
  • 9789004987654_Jansen_text_proof-02.pdf
  • 9789004123456_print_content_text.pdf
  • 9789004987654_print_content_text.pdf
Edited volumetemplate

title: [ISBN13]_[Author/Project]_text_[Status].pdf

chapter: [ISBN13]_[Editor/Project]_[author]_[Status].pdf

[ISBN13]_print_content_text.pdfProofs for Edited Volumes should be delivered as a complete title, according to the Monograph (use the name of the editor as the name of the author) AND a separate file for each chapter, using the name of the Editor and of the author.

  • 9789004123456_Smith_00-frontmatter_proof-01.pdf
  • 9789004123456_Smith_01-Jones_proof-01.pdf
  • 9789004123456_Smith_02-Black_proof-01.pdf
  • 9789004123456_Smith_03-Smith_proof-01.pdf
  • 9789004123456_Smith_16-backmatter_proof-01.pdf

or if the name of the author is unknown:

  • 9789004123456_Jansen_01-chapter_proof-01.pdf

Special Parts
Frontispiecetemplate[ISBN13]_[Author/Project]_frontispiece_[Status].pdf[ISBN13]_print_content_frontispiece.pdfA frontispiece should be delivered as a separate file ONLY if it is printed on a type of paper that is different from the type on which text will be printed. It is placed in the prelims: between page ii and iii, facing page iii. If the frontispiece is printed on the same paper, it should be included in the regular .._text.pdf.
  • 9789004123456_Smith_frontispiece_proof-01.pdf
  • 9789004157552_print_content_frontispiece.pdf
Foldouttemplate[ISBN13]_[Author/Project]_foldout-[xx]of[yy]_[Status].pdf[ISBN13]_print_content_foldout-[xx]of[yy].pdfAll foldouts must be delivered as separate files. If a book contains more than one foldout, the files have to be delivered as separate foldout ‘sections’. A numbering is applied in the file name.
  • 9789004123456_Smith_foldout-01of01_proof-01.pdf
  • 9789004987654_Jansen_foldout-01of02_proof-02.pdf
  • 9789004987654_Jansen_foldout-02of02_proof-02.pdf
  • 9789004123456_print_content_foldout-01of01.pdf
  • 9789004987654_print_content_foldout-01of02.pdf
  • 9789004987654_print_content_foldout-02of02.pdf
Illustration sectiontemplate[ISBN13]_[Author/Project]_illustrations-[xx]of[yy]_[Status].pdf[ISBN13]_print_content_illustrations-[xx]of[yy].pdf

Every section that needs to be printed on a different type of paper should be delivered as a separate file. Whether an illustration section contains pictures, photos, tables, maps or other kinds of content is not important for the file name.

If a book contains more than one illustration section (i.e., if the illustration sections appear in different places in the book and are separated by a different type of paper), they have to be delivered as separate files.

  • 9789004123456_Smith_illustrations-01of01_proof-01.pdf
  • 9789004987654_Jansen_illustrations-01of02_proof-02.pdf
  • 9789004987654_Jansen_illustrations-02of02_proof-02.pdf
  • 9789004123456_print_content_illustrations-01of01.pdf
  • 9789004987654_print_content_illustrations-01of02.pdf
  • 9789004987654_print_content_illustrations-02of02.pdf


EBook package

As soon as the print-pdf for a title is final, an EBook package can be created. This package is a zip-file that contains the xml, pdf files for the complete title and for each chapter/section and illustrations. naming conventions and examples are given in the following table:

template / examplesremark
ZIP filetemplate[ISBN13]_BITS.zipThe zip-file with the complete package, as specified hereafter.
XML-filetemplate[ISBN13]_webready_content_text.xmlThis could be either a header-only BITS file or a full-text BITS file.
  • 9783846764244_webready_content_text.xml
PDF-file completetemplate[ISBN13]_webready_content_text.pdfPDF file with the complete inner-work of the title, starting with the half-title page (i) and running to the last page of the title. Special parts, as mentioned in the previous chapter, should also be included.
  • 9783846764244_webready_content_text.pdf
PDF-files for each chapter / sectiontemplate[ISBN13]_webready_content_s[nnn].pdfPDF files for each chapter or section, as specified in the xml file. A three-digit numbering is applied. 
  • 9783846764244_webready_content_s001.pdf
  • 9783846764244_webready_content_s002.pdf
  • 9783846764244_webready_content_s003.pdf
  • etc.
Illustrationstemplate[ISBN13]_webready_content_m[nnnnn].jpgSeparate JPG-files with the images that should be presented together with the full-text version. A five-digit numbering is applied.
  • 9789004364486_webready_content_m00001.jpg
  • 9789004364486_webready_content_m00002.jpg
  • etc.