The following paragraphs give an overview of the information that is presented at page iv of a book. Samples are given at the right. The minimal configuration is:
- Library of Congress CIP registration
- Brill Typeface (standard text)
- ISBN / ISSN information
- Copyright information
- Production information (standard text)
- empty space
4 cm from the page bottom is kept free for to be filled by the manufacturer of the hardcopy.
Cover text
If applicable, a text describing the image that is used at the cover
Open Access
If applicable, the Open access logo and a standard Open Access text is included. Brill supports three types of Open Access licenses: BY, BY-NC and BY-NC-ND. See Access options Free, Open, Paid and Gratis for the main difference between these types. The abbreviation of the license should be inserted in the text and URL:
This is and open access title distributed under the terms of the CC <license type> 4.0 license, which permits any use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. Further information and the complete license text can be found at https://<license type>/4.0/
The CC license apply only to the original material. The use of material from other sources (indicated by a reference) such as diagrams, illustrations, photos and text samples may require further permission from the respective copyright holder.
Funding information
If applicable, free text describing the funding of the title.
Library of Congress CIP registration
For each title a reference to the Cataloguing In Progress, CIP database of the Library of Congress is included. For titles published in the imprints Schöningh, Fink or mentis, similar information is coming from the German National Library. Two options are possible:
- A summary of the CIP record created by the Library of Congress
- A reference to the record in the database of the Library of Congress
The second option is used in case the title is published before the record is created. At the right two samples are given.
Brill typeface
A standard text: Typeface for the Latin, Greek and Cyrillic scripts: "Brill". See and download:
All series ISSN and ISBN's that are known and linked to the title should be mentioned. The version to which each ISBN is assigned is given between brackets. Possible options:
- series ISSN
- set ISBN in case of a multi volume title
- volume ISBN for hardback and/or paperback
- EISBN for the online version at
- EISBN for an EPub version if applicable
see the sample at the right.
Copyright and imprint information
Based on the copyright situation, one of the following texts should be used.
copyright | Brill NV | Brill GmbH |
Publisher | Copyright 2025 by Koninklijke Brill BV, Plantijnstraat 2, 2321 JC Leiden, The Netherlands. Koninklijke Brill NV incorporates the imprints Brill, Brill Nijhoff, Brill Schöningh, Brill Fink, Brill mentis, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Böhlau, V&R unipress and Wageningen Academic. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher. Requests for re-use and/or translations must be addressed to Koninklijke Brill BV via or for more information. | © 2025 <imprint name and address>, ein Imprint der Brill-Gruppe (Koninklijke Brill BV, Plantijnstraat 2, 2321 JC Leiden, Niederlande; Brill USA Inc., Boston MA, USA; Brill Asia Pte Ltd, Singapore; Brill Deutschland GmbH, Paderborn, Deutschland; Brill Österreich GmbH, Wien, Österreich) Koninklijke Brill BV umfasst die Imprints Brill, Brill Nijhoff, Brill Schöningh, Brill Fink, Brill mentis, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Böhlau, V&R unipress und Wageningen Academic. for more information. |
Author / Editor | Copyright 2025 by <full name author(s) or editor(s)>. Published by Koninklijke Brill BV, Plantijnstraat 2, 2321 JC Leiden, The Netherlands. Koninklijke Brill BV incorporates the imprints Brill, Brill Nijhoff, Brill Hotei, Brill Schöningh, Brill Fink, Brill mentis, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Böhlau, V&R unipress and Wageningen Academic. Koninklijke Brill BV reserves the right to protect this publication against unauthorized use. Requests for re-use and/or translations must be addressed to Koninklijke Brill NV via or for more information. | |
Open Access | Copyright 2025 by <full name author(s) or editor(s)>. Published by Koninklijke Brill BV, Plantijnstraat 2, 2321 JC Leiden, The Netherlands. Koninklijke Brill BV incorporates the imprints Brill, Brill Nijhoff, Brill Hotei, Brill Schöningh, Brill Fink, Brill mentis, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Böhlau, V&R unipress and Wageningen Academic. Koninklijke Brill BV reserves the right to protect this publication against unauthorized use. for more information. |
Production information
A standard text describing the production of the hardcopy: "This book is printed on acid-free paper and produced in a sustainable manner".
empty space
If possible, 4 cm from the bottom of page iv is left empty. This free space can be used by the manufacturer of the hard copy. Printforce for example adds the standard text: Printed by Printforce, the Netherlands.
A sample of a complete page iv is given below.